
Pranav Goel

Pranav Goel is an enthusiastic content writer. He has a rich knowledge about healthcare and loves to share his experience, information and learnings about health, eye care, laser eye surgeries, spec

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How to correct Hyperopia or long sightedness?

  • 07 Feb 2022
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Most of the time, when you plan to undergo an eye test or seek consultation from an ophthalmologist, then, understanding the type of vision correction method applicable in your case is the prime requisite. Whether it is the blurred vision, inability to view objects nearby or far away along with constant itchiness, there are multiple optical conditions which need to be addressed during the consultation session with the optician. But, once it gets established through clinical evidence and tests that long sightedness is the chief cause of problems in the vision, then, Lasik eye surgery in Delhi gets evaluated by

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