
On lift

On-Lift is the most effective and reliable patented landing gear automation on the market worldwide. The automation is capable of raising and lowering landing gear in less than 10 seconds and there is virtually no maintenance required

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Install the new trailer technology of On-Lift landing to reduce road mishaps

  • 31 Dec 2021
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With the emergence of smart trailer automation of OSHA (Occupational Health & Safety Administration) approved On-Lift air-powered landing automated gear, trailer safety enhancement has been distinctively boosted. Such world-class technology removes the driving-related lapses, thereby averting any muscular-skeletal abrasions and sprains that were heretofore caused by repetitive cranking of the landing gear.  Therefore, with such global recognition of the US regulatory authority, the transport organizations can find the ease of manoeuvrability with heightened gratification level of the truckers by introducing this new trailer technology from the well-known suppliers of Patriot Pneumatic Lift Systems.  How the Innovative Trailer Automation of On-Lift Landing Gear Improve Safety? Improved Safety in Trucking Ventures with Zero Lacerations  The ultramodern OSHA-certified pneumatic On-Lift landing gear

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The Benefits of Using Pneumatic Trailer System for the Transportation Industry

  • 22 Nov 2021
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Since the majority of work related injuries are occurred in the trucking industry are in the lower back. According to the data compiled by OSHA i.e. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the average settlement of a Worker's Compensation for an injury occurred by trailer system or repetitive cranking of landing gear is $35,000. Besides, the wages paid for the worker's Paid Sick Leave; the cost for Disrupted Schedules as well as Impatient Customers cost could exceed 50,000 per incident. Why It Happens & How to Prevent It? Actually, cranking landing gear on trailer systems is a regular job for many drivers. It causes severe pain, back injuries and strain on

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Reduce senior truck driver workers compensation costs with the advanced On-Lift technology

  • 05 Nov 2021
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Lowering or raising the trailer landing gear manually- is a day-to-day job for truck drivers that can cause pain and other muscular-skeletal injuries, especially in senior drivers with 50 years or above age. As per a report published in a 2020 survey by the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI), truck driver injury compensation and driver retention are two of the top concerns in the trucking industry. Now the question is- what is the best way to reduce injuries and senior truck driver workers compensation costs? The innovative and advanced On-Lift air-powered landing gear for the trailer from the Patriot Lift Company, LLC offers one technological solution that makes a truck driver’s

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