
Hawaii Healing Sound School

Hawaii Healing Sound School is an experiential hands-on and on-line training program for learning and exploring and mastering vibration, frequency, resonance -music as medicine, or sound as healing.

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Heal your body and mind at Frequency Medicine Center Honolulu with hands-on training

  • 27 Jun 2022
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The healing therapies with sound-based instruments have been widely practiced for ages, wherein it can be tracked backed to even over 40,000 years ago in the Aboriginal Australian traditions. Still extensively utilized in this modern age, such acoustic remedies use some of the most amazing instruments such as, tuning forks, gongs, singing or crystal bowls, and energy tuners. In this context, the leading Frequency Medicine Center Honolulu of the Hawaii Healing Sound School comes with discrete online classes and workshops offering 1:1 sessions and small group hands-on training to facilitate a balance of the physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual state of

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Find our sound healing training to sustain a uniform hormonal flow

  • 29 Nov 2021
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Using distinct acoustic instruments such as, tuning forks, singing or crystal bowls, and gongs, among others, the sound healing therapeutic practices have been widely used by therapists, acupuncturists, healers, and chiropractors, right from the time of Egyptian and Greek civilization. Such long-established treatment has been actualized by applying the calibrated resonances of specific sound instruments in different tones to create rhythmic vibrations throughout our aqueous body composed of 70% hydrous matter. These calibrated oscillations help in harmonizing the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual essence of our body, thereby opening up the blocked energy channels spread across seven levels of chakras,

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