
Chua Shu Ying

Hi, my name is Chua Shu Ying. Working as marketing executive at Avalon Services. I love doing photography and capturing every small detail about home improvement and sharing ideas through blogging.

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8 Sure Ways to Protect Your Homes from Infestations

  • 05 Oct 2021
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As a warm and humid country, Singapore has its fair share of pests problems. Some common pests are ants, bed bugs, termites, flies, and cockroaches. They're little critters that often get overlooked, but once they bring their colonies into your homes, they can cause a big problem.Pests like rodents and small bugs tend to be attracted by homes that are particularly old, cluttered, dirty, and humid. To avoid having pest problems, here are eight preventive measures you need to be aware of.Clean the House RegularlyDoing your daily chores religiously is a surefire way to keep pests away. Pests thrive in

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