
Chola Turbo

Chola Turbo, one of the leading Steam Turbines Manufacturer in India, situated in Hoskote, 25 kms from Bangalore, CTMI has, within a decade, rolled out a number of turbines up to 30 MW. across a range of industries.

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Steam Turbines | Chola Turbo Machinery

  • 24 Aug 2021
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Steam turbine, one of the greatest inventions in the field of mechanical engineering is an energy conversion device that converts thermal energy from the steam into mechanical energy. The modern steam turbine was invented in the late 19th century by Charles Parsons. In those days the demand for the efficient energy conversion device was high due to the industrial revolution.The steam turbines were introduced in the power generation sector as they were able to create a rotatory motion which in turn continuously rotated the shaft of the generators. It replaced the conventional piston based steam engine because of its greater thermal conversion

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