
Catherine zhang

A trip advisor based in Lhasa, Tibet.

  • Articles Posted: 3
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Mt. Kailash's Legend Stories

  • 06 May 2021
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@Jayden Smith @LorcaMany travelers back from Mount Kailash tours told that they got mysterious experiences and ethereal feelings, such as when viewing the incredible shimmery lights.As the holiest Mountain in the world, Mt. Kailash attracts people from all over the world to make arduous journeys just for getting close to it.Although thousands of people have climbed the Peak of Mt. Everest, the fact remains that Mt Kailash with a lower altitude is never to be conquered. Hinduism, Tibetan Buddhism, Bon, and Jainism recognize it as the center of the world. It is a pact among climbers not to scale the holy summit.And

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How to Travel from Nepal to Tibet?

  • 06 Apr 2021
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@catherine The connections between Tibet and Nepal go back to ancient times. Nepal is the only way from ancient India to Tibet. As early as the Tang Dynasty, the Nepalese princess came to Tibet and married Tibet King Songtsen Gampo. Since then, close trade relations have been maintained between the two adjacent kingdoms, and the religious relations between the two places are also very close. So far, many famous Tibetan Buddhist monasteries have been preserved in Nepal, so Nepal has become the kingdom behind Tibet. If you travel from Nepal to Tibet, you are just following the footsteps of the ancient Buddhist pilgrims who made a promise in their lifetime to

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The Sakyamuni Buddha Statue in Jokhang Temple

  • 06 Apr 2021
  • 1

@catherine Housed in the central Buddha Hall, the seated Jowo Rinpoche is 1.5 meters high, has a vivid shape and a peaceful expression, holding a bowl in the left hand and putting the right hand on the lap. With a benevolent and silent smile, he seems to be comforting all living beings in gentle words. The Tibetan people set the Buddha Shakyamuni statue with many gems, such as turquoise, red coral, pearls, amber, jade beads, etc. The most striking is the three "nine-eye" Dzi beads mounted on the crown. The overall design of these gems is rigorous and solemn. The superb casting and inlay process, representing the culture and

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