
Amit Chaudhary

Working with as marketing consultant with a reputed Digital Agency.

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Take Your Social Media Marketing to a Next Level with SMO Services

  • 31 May 2022
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Hiring social media marketing agencies in India can be very beneficial for businesses that are looking to start their business career on social media platforms. Creative digital agencies employ trained and certified digital marketers who can help your business flourish and grow your online presence. Moreover, with the rise of social media, mobile technology, and a fast-paced lifestyle, it's not easy to keep up with the trends alone. However, an experienced social media agency in Delhi can help you create an engaging SMO strategy that will help you acquire more visitors and convert them into leads or sales, or even do it all. As you may know, digital marketing can get really

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Know What Needs to Ensure If You Want to Hire an Architect

  • 30 May 2022
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Your home is your safe haven. It's where you go to relax and spend time with loved ones, it's your space and only yours. So why would you want to live in a cluttered, uncomfortably designed home? If you don't have a great sense of design, you may want to consider hiring the best architects in Gurgaon for your home. Their job is to plan the design, layout, and decorating of your home. We’re sure you've heard the saying, "you can't judge a book by its cover," but in this case, it actually rings true. Do you really want to spend

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What a Professional Commercial Cleaning Service Can Do For Your Business?

  • 30 May 2022
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Due to our busy and fast-paced lifestyles, many of us don’t have time to look after the cleanliness of our homes. This can make us overlook the dust on surfaces that are usually hard to clean, leaving them looking more neglected than ever. Cleanliness in a workspace can be underrated, but when you're working at a desk with dusty surfaces, clutter, mold, and more- the quality of your work and the creativity you exhibit can be greatly reduced. It is important to have a clean space because all sorts of jobs, be it being a chef to manage the company or writing content for your business, can never work

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About How Green Ship Recycling Helps the Environment

  • 26 Feb 2022
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Ship recycling industry is even bigger than you think. The ship recycling industry is responsible for more than thousands of jobs in India ship breaking yards alone. Recycling of ships can be an energy-efficient, sustainable way of saving the marine ecosystem when done correctly, but when done incorrectly it can have serious negative impacts on the environment and workers as well. Responsible ship recycling has grown rapidly in countries like ship breaking in turkey which are making efforts to ensure all the ships are being recycled responsibly and the process is done within a valuable code of conduct. Now almost all

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Different Forms Of Ship Disposal by Companies

  • 05 Feb 2022
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After serving a successful time, every vessel is expected to get retired and recycled as per the laws and for the safety of the environment. The disposal of ships is essential because the vessels that reach their retiring stage tend to release poisonous wastes if sailed in the seas. Ship recycling companies in India have understood the importance of ship recycling and now deal with trustworthy cash buyer to buy the retired vessel scrap price. The methods of recycling the ships have come a long way. Various recycling methods are used till now and some have been discontinued due to some

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