
selvan subramani

Time Track Time Track Time Track Time Track Time Track Time Track Time Track Time Track Time Track Time Track Time Track

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TimeTrack - Attendance & Payroll application trusted by over 7000+ clients

  • 18 Jul 2021
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·         We are specialists in Attendance & Leave Management software with over 15+ years of experience and with over 7000+ clients.·         We add 100+ clients (big and small) every month with an extensive network of partners who sell and provide service to our software.·         We provide immediate remote support for any issues ·         Many of our clients are with us for more than a decade.·         We have clients all over the world, even in exotic locations such as Papua New Guinea, Curacao, Kingdom of Lesotho, Fiji etc and we provide best of support using our inbuilt remote utilities. TimeTrack –Attendance & Leave Management Application ·         Matured Attendance & Leave management software, fully parameterized and in continuous development for more than

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