
Sarada Prasad Rath

Sarada Prasad Rath is a professional Content Writer. Loves to research and write the best version of the topic. Half introvert and full enthusiast. When not writing he goes into the visual land of storytelling.

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Pros and Cons of Open Floor Plan

  • 20 Apr 2021
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Architecture and interior design are two branches of the same tree. Sometimes they work harmoniously and sometimes are at odds with each other. One of the main examples is the layouts of your home i.e. are you considering open floor or closed floor plans? Floor plans influence the construction of the home by a lot and also very important during any renovation. The open floor plan has its own pros and cons. Finally, it will come down to what’s in your top priority that you are looking for in a home.The open floor plan is more popular among the modern generation. It refers to a house whose

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