
Andrea Carless

The administrator of Home Energy Grant. A company in the UK that provides funding for heating and insulation in the UK.

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Answers to the Most Common Free Loft Insulation Questions

  • 13 Jul 2021
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Did you know that an estimated 25% heat loss happens through the loft? Since most lofts contain spaces and cracks, it leads to your home losing more heat faster compared to when insulated.Here are the most common questions about Free Loft Insulation:Why does my loft need insulation?Insulating your loft keeps your house warmer and prevents heat from escaping in these spaces. Insulating the space may lead to a warmer home with lesser energy costs.What kinds of insulation do I need to fit my loft?Insulating your loft can help cut up to 20% energy costs as stated by research done by the

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